Frequently Asked Questions

Annual reports are due to the PRB 210 days after the end of your plan’s fiscal year-end date. Please see our Summary of Reporting Requirements for Texas Public Retirement Systems help sheet for detailed information on all reports and their due dates to the PRB.

Yes, Defined Contribution, or DC, plans and volunteer TLFFRA plans are exempt from all reporting requirements with the exception of registering with the PRB and sending a Plan design document and any updates to the document or contact address of the system. 

Additionally, the Employees Retirement System of Texas, Teacher Retirement System, Texas County and District Retirement System, Texas Municipal Retirement System, Judicial Retirement System’s I & II, and the optional retirement program governed by Chapter 830 are all exempt from a variety of reports to the PRB. For more information please refer to Texas Government Code Chapter §802.002

We are sorry to hear that your reports have been delayed. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer extensions to reporting deadlines. Please contact our office by phone or email and we would be happy to assist you further. 

If an annual report is late by more than 60 days, we will contact the retirement system and ask for a status update on the late report/s. If the report/s cannot be sent to the PRB we will send a letter to the sponsoring entity of the retirement system notifying them of the non-compliance with state reporting requirements and the retirement plan will be added to the list of non-compliant plans over 60 days, which is published on our website and reported to the Board at each meeting. 

The PRB saves a record of every report sent to our office and stores key data figures within our database. This data is then compiled and made available on our Texas Public Pension Data Center as well as used in many of our reports we publish.